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Top Democrat Supports Censoring Americans If They Say This

This week, Delegate Stacey Plaskett (D-VI) justified censorship by asserting that some viewpoints shouldn’t be protected by the First Amendment’s guarantees of free expression, which she said the Supreme Court had curtailed.

Democrat presidential nominee Robert F. Kennedy was one of the witnesses, and Plaskett, the minority’s leading member on the House Weaponization Subcommittee, blasted Kennedy’s purported beliefs and labeled them hateful.

She remarked, “This isn’t the free speech I am aware of.” She remembered the recent uproar caused by Kennedy’s comments, among other earlier remarks, on how the coronavirus affects specific demographic groups far more than others.

“Freedom of speech isn’t an absolute,” Plaskett concluded. “That has been said by the Supreme Court.” (The Court has made “time, place, and manner” allowances for how speech is presented; it hasn’t limited speech’s content.)

The ranking member continued by asserting that Republicans had chosen to support Kennedy’s divisive ideas rather than call Kennedy to speak since he had been banned from social media. In addition, she intimated that the committee’s chairman, Representative Jim Jordan (R-OH), had endorsed the death threats made against previous witnesses, including would-be “disinformation czar” Nina Jancowicz.

Republicans, according to Plaskett, have little interest in upholding free speech. Instead, they want to compel social media platforms to support “any conspiracy theories, regardless of how harmful.”

“They believe it is the only way their candidate can win the 2020 election, she said, therefore they want to compel social media corporations to push conspiracies.” She said that Congress should instead concentrate on problems like inflation.

Kennedy responded by devoting his opening remarks to defending his record and pointing out that he had also been silenced for discussing common topics. He pointed out that the goal of free speech was to defend viewpoints that people did not share.

Author: Scott Dowdy

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20 thoughts on “Top Democrat Supports Censoring Americans If They Say This”

  1. It terrible when the LAW doesn’t work the way individuals want it to. The Government MOTTO “What’s Good for me is not for thee”. is showing loud and clear.

  2. Did I mistakenly wandered into a Communist country masquerading as the United States? WHAT THE HELL?!?!?!?

    1. Yes, you did!! The USA is now a fascist dictatorship with 99% of all federal agencies actively involved in keeping America a totalitarian dictatorship for as long as possible. If the Democrats retain the presidency and Senate, with a possible retaking of the House, ALL is lost. It will be a very short descent into the likes of the former Soviet Union, China, Cuba, Venezuela – all combined. With the rampant illegal surveillance now of all Americans, it already is!

    2. Nancy, the US is dying a slow death brought about by God in response to our immoral decay and promoting everything that is evil as good and all good as evil..God is fed up with our turning away from him and he will NO longer let the US be a national power…our decline has already began and it will only get worse til there is no US any longer..

  3. Plaskett just being a Democrat black woman who don’t want the truth to reach the black community. Virgin Island can do better than have someone represented them that don’t allowed them to say what on their mind. That the love of the 1st amendment right our founding father gave ALL. Here we are witness to DEMOCRAT TRYING TO CONTROL US BY PUSHING LAWS THAT BREAK THE CONSTITUTION LAWS! But it support by SOCIALISM LIKE IN FOREIGN COUNTRY! That NOT FREEDOM AND LIBERTY of AMERICA!

  4. George Orwell warned you. How many of you even care to seek. Even Revelation warned you. It’s gonna get so much worse. Do you know a digital dollar is coming. Can you even imagine how it’ll be used against this allusion of freedom we think we have. No worry though Mother Earth has something in store for us. It’s damn close.

  5. Kennedy was referring to a peer reviewed scientific article. Instead of calling this hate speech she should be calling for an investigation into the veracity of the claim made in the article.


    1. I agree. It is past time for that. That dos not mean i is too late, it means time is running out.

    2. yeah, well that is like people in Hell wanting Ice water…it will never happen…the hand writing is on the wall…the US is done and will never be of any prominance all began when we the good people allowed prayer to be taken out of school and full on abortion to be an ever day occurance …most Americans have lost all sense of what is right and what is wrong and care even less about defending those rights….its over and down with and the decline will only become worse as times ticks by til there will no longer be a United States

  7. Please W. Earp: Reread what you post. Your English teacher would be disappointed. I do agree though.

    1. Please reconsider your comment. I’ve read many of Wyatt’s comments, and I don’t think English is his first language. Give him some slack; and concentrate on his meaning rather than his delivery.

  8. The whole political machine in this country is corrupt and needs to be brought down and a new system installed just not the socialists one Joe and the Dems want.

  9. Only Communist/Democrat ‘s free speech will be allowed.The hardcore Commies are only the ones who can speak “freely”

  10. When a pro-America person with more traditional values stands their ground, leftists have shown they will attack them verbally and even pass laws in attempts to jail them. They’ll publicly ream anyone who doesn’t openly stand for their radical leftist views.

  11. O yeah, Here we go again IT’S always the same with theses democrat cry babies if something is’nt going there way they holler change the Amendment change the constitution change the law change it all to suit me–me–me !!!. The hateful boo hoo babies. All these idiots needs lined-up and marched over a cliff.

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