Those are some fierce negotiating skills that Joe Biden put to work, right? Good thing the author of “Art of the Deal” wasn’t in the White House anymore! Just imagine the deal he would have made with the Taliban, what with his mean tweets and everything.
We’re kidding, obviously. The entire world pretty much recognizes the fact that the Afghanistan withdrawal is a disaster, and President Donald Trump would have done a much better job. Joe Biden’s negotiation skills are summed up perfectly in this meme.
Did the Taliban not get everything they could have possibly wanted from Biden?
It’s hard to say they didn’t. They control more territory in Afghanistan today than they did when we kicked them out of power and they ran off to their caves (or Pakistan). Plus, they have a huge stack of arms and weapons systems that they can now sell to China and Russia for years to come.
And Kamala Harris wants you to know she was the last person in the room when Negotiator Joe made that fateful decision.