With healthcare costs expected to take another jump after Republicans failed to dismantle the so-called Affordable Care Act, many left-wing Americans are looking to Canada as some kind of utopia.
Y’know…because “free healthcare” and stuff.
In this image, you see a litany of supposed reasons why Canada is a better place to live. The problem is that just about everything listed is a total lie.
While it’s true that Canada’s minimum wage is a bit more generous than the United States, more of the country’s labor force depends on it. In America, less than 4 percent of the labor force receives a minimum wage. In Canada, it’s closer to 7 percent. As for unions — membership is falling in both countries.
The biggest falsehood lies in the taxes — in Canada, the top marginal tax rate 29 percent, compared to almost 40 percent in America. It’s also worth noting that the United States has the highest corporate tax in the industrialized world.
Of course, the biggest carrot on the stick that seems to get most liberals excited about never moving to Canada (they never do — ask every celebrity who promised to do so last year). While costs are lower on the surface, Canadians still find themselves footing the bill in the form of more taxes. By this logic, the only people who really benefit from this system are people who don’t pay as much into it.
~ Facts Not Memes