We’re living in a time when we have a lot of Republican US Senators who are doing a remarkable number of good things for America. No, really!
If you don’t think so, then you’ve obviously forgotten how terrible the Senate Republicans were a couple of decades ago. The big turnaround really started when guys like Ted Cruz and Rand Paul were elected to the Senate, followed by some other standouts like Marsha Blackburn and Tim Scott.
Even Lindsey Graham has turned out to be occasionally okay. Sometimes. Remember the Brett Kavanaugh hearings? That was a very welcome surprise.
And credit where credit is due: Mitch McConnell has done a great job of pushing two Supreme Court nominees through for President Trump, hopefully with one more on the way before the end of this year! Not to mention the tremendous amount of federal judges McConnell has appointed, which now total nearly a third of the entire judiciary.
One Senator that we just don’t have any good words to offer, however, is Pierre Delecto of Utah. We will never have anything good to say about you, Pierre. And we will never forget what you did.