One thing we should all come to accept is that if a person is even remotely left-wing, they are never going to accept President Donald Trump. It doesn’t matter what he does — the president could sign an executive order commuting prison sentences for all non-violent incarcerated peoples tomorrow, and the left would find a way to tell you how that’s somehow racist.
It’s almost understandable how left-wing Americans would come to be so hysterical. When Barack Obama was elected president, their heroes basically sold them on the message that progressivism was never going to lose again. The intersectional coalition would never break, and anyone who wasn’t completely on board with their agenda was living in the past. There was just simply no way this utopia was going to end.
This is why they can’t even process things such as the fact that President Donald Trump, no matter what you think about his tweets or his other antics, has been good for the economy. They can’t fathom that the movements they support are anti-speech, and effectively anti-democratic. They don’t want to acknowledge these things, because to do so would be to accept the reality that everything they’ve been told for the past 10 years has been a complete lie.
~ Facts Not Memes